I had no idea there was like, a word for this. The pushier people get with me to do things, the more likely I don't want to do it at all. Which sure made some people really fucking angry. Somehow, or perhaps especially, people in positions of petty power (cops, teachers (aka educational cops), therapists (mental health cops) etc.). Not being motivated by punishment or coercion really breaks some people when they can't use that lever on you.

Like, I'd always assumed it was part and parcel of the whole autistic "doesn't care about social conventions" thing, but never knew that's what they meant with PDA.

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Reading this came with so many flashbacks to my childhood and has made me feel understood in a way I didn't think possible. I've never identified so strongly with a descriptor of ANYTHING, including the long list of diagnostic labels I've acquired over the years. What a breath of fresh air.

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I'm not, to my knowledge, autistic, but this resonates SO MUCH. I was a high achieving but wayward kid and school authorities quickly gave up on trying to punish me into submission because nothing worked.

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