AAAAAA this is so reassuring to read! i feel like i am helplessly dependent on caffeine to function, and my boss actually encourages our heavily understaffed & overburdened team of employees to ‘jus drink coffeee!!! that’s what i do’ and its so frustrating to then suffer from the affects of it, both on your mental & gastrointestinal health (ibs babes unite). i feel more confident about my journey (hopefully in the near future) of reconstructing my relationship with caffeine- from dependence to an occasional treat. thankyou for taking one for the team :)))
Yes! I quit caffeine three years ago and have felt so many similar things that you did, with the same political/moral complexity about most people not being able to do it because they have to work so many hours for a boss. I've been wanting to write something about the experience, but you've done it. And I feel so validated. Thank you! I recently started drinking decaf black tea each morning because after stopping drinking alcohol last summer, I developed a powerful sweet tooth that had me eating sugar even when I didn't want to. I'm experimenting to see that if I have a tiny bit of caffeine each day, maybe that sugar craving will go back down to where it once was.
I never noticed much effect from caffeine, not that I've really consumed much of it in years. Always was kind of confused when people talked about how it gave them energy etc. because that never really happened to me, just some mild gastrointestinal distress at worst whenever I drank some coffee. In fact, when I was younger I used to drink some caffeinated soda before going to bed and just fall right asleep.
AAAAAA this is so reassuring to read! i feel like i am helplessly dependent on caffeine to function, and my boss actually encourages our heavily understaffed & overburdened team of employees to ‘jus drink coffeee!!! that’s what i do’ and its so frustrating to then suffer from the affects of it, both on your mental & gastrointestinal health (ibs babes unite). i feel more confident about my journey (hopefully in the near future) of reconstructing my relationship with caffeine- from dependence to an occasional treat. thankyou for taking one for the team :)))
Yes! I quit caffeine three years ago and have felt so many similar things that you did, with the same political/moral complexity about most people not being able to do it because they have to work so many hours for a boss. I've been wanting to write something about the experience, but you've done it. And I feel so validated. Thank you! I recently started drinking decaf black tea each morning because after stopping drinking alcohol last summer, I developed a powerful sweet tooth that had me eating sugar even when I didn't want to. I'm experimenting to see that if I have a tiny bit of caffeine each day, maybe that sugar craving will go back down to where it once was.
I never noticed much effect from caffeine, not that I've really consumed much of it in years. Always was kind of confused when people talked about how it gave them energy etc. because that never really happened to me, just some mild gastrointestinal distress at worst whenever I drank some coffee. In fact, when I was younger I used to drink some caffeinated soda before going to bed and just fall right asleep.