I started learning about and experimenting with hypnosis this year and it's been really cool to think through how it intersects with actual consent and discourse around consent. Also, I'd like to frame the line, "No sexuality that respects the autonomy of other people can ever be a sickness."

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Sexuality gets weird. I may not give a fuck about how someone's body looks much, but a few features they can possess are certainly attractive to me. And when I deeply care about someone in a certain way I start craving intimacy with them in every form they're willing to give. So do I experience sexual attraction or not? idk and it doesn't really matter to me because its not a factor in my decision-making.

Also goddamnit I did not expect that spiral photo when opening the article I actually jumped a little in my chair xD

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I’m a sex repulsed asexual and have no libido (as far as I can tell). I think it’s cool that asexuality can manifest in so many different ways and be different for different people. I think it’s laughable that people have questioned my asexuality considering I have the most ‘stereotypical’ version of it lol.

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Yeah, it really goes to show how inclined people are to invalidate ace experiences. We can't win.

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This was an awesome read. I have some sexual trauma around erotic hypnosis because of a prior partner. And, like you, some of my first sexual experiences as a child involved hypnosis in media. It's hard for me to reconcile these things, and to see hypnosis in a light that isn't tainted by my traumatic experiences. It was healing in a way to read about your relationship with hypnosis and sexuality. When i started the article I was skipping past any mention of hypnosis, but by the end I was reading with compassion and joy. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Oh Fauna, that means so much to hear. Hypnosis play can be intense and can be abused, and I certainly have my fair share of sexual trauma triggers due to bad encounters or abusive partners in the past. Sometimes I have been able to move through those feelings and come to see the beauty in the activity again. Other times all I can do is cheer along those that enjoy it from afar. During a period of such intense sex shaming and homophobia, it means a lot to hear from people who can separate their legitimate feelings of discomfort from their respect for others' right to enjoy an activity, and to sometimes even play along the edge. And I am glad this piece helped build new associations between you and this community, too.

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When I first became aware of your work on laziness and rest a few years ago, I mentioned it to a friend of mine, who said that he knew you from being in overlapping social parts of the internet a decade ago. I never questioned where that was (the answer is usually ‘tumblr’ for those of us in the ‘nerdy neurospicy queer’ umbrella and in this age group) but suddenly I know it’s this - he’s a very accomplished hypnotist!

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That is so cool!!

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His Tumblr username back then was ossidi, if that rings a bell! (Love to find mutual connections - the internet really is only 2 degrees of separation!)

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This, so much this. I'm in a similar place re: being an ace (hypno)fetishist and only recently mustering up the courage to participate in the irl hypnokink community after many lackluster sexual encounters. I haven't been to Beguiled yet so I'm not sure how they compare, but Charmed is another hypno con that I've enjoyed. Might be a bit far depending on where you're located, but it's worth it imo :)

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Beguiled is by me and I have enjoyed it before and will again! I have always wanted to check out Deep Mind Dark Wood.

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I'm blown away! You get it! You truly understand it! I've had such a hard time finding the words to describe how I am, I have such a diffuclt time trying to explain it to my boyfriend, but you understand it completely. To know there's another asexual out there just like me (minus the high libido) who needs hypnosis to truly feel pleasure, who understands the dullness of sex, who knows what it's like to grit their teeth through unarousing sex for the sake of their partner. It makes me feel so seen and understood. Thank you for writing this.

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As an aroace , I always love reading about aro and/or ace experiences which are much different from mine. Its genuinely always a beautiful reminder of how vast everyone's experiences are and compels me to think about my own sexuality more in ways i wouldnt have before,thank you so much for this read ✨️

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Thank you for this. I feel very seen. <3

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lol I restacked a ridiculously explicit quote from this all from an accidental flick of a finger 🙊 hehehe

But wow thx for the very compelling writing Devon 💫

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"In most mainstream conversations surrounding sex, a person’s orientation, identity, fantasies, and habits are all presumed to align in a tidy, coherent way. The reality is vastly more complex. "

This is why I love reading perspectives like yours. I have an Ace partner who helped me understand so much about my own sexuality too. It's forced me to take a deep look at so many things I just assumed.

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Swap hypnosis for tf and dial back the libido and I'm in the same boat and I thought I was a bROKEN FREAK!!!! Thanks so much for writing this.

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I'm a member of another fetishist community, and it's interesting to see the differences and similarities as groups build up internal theories and frameworks to explain their (a)sexuality. For example, here's one clip where a member of our community proposes an additional axis to the Kinsey scale for fetishists: https://youtu.be/D3xdXj0acZo?si=SdvUvDpN09DIKA3X&t=350

I'd love to see collaboration across different fetish groups to see what else we have in common. For example, it is super common in our community to have a memory of looking up fetish-related words in the dictionary as children, not understanding why the other kids weren't as interested in it. Many of us also found it difficult to say words out loud that were normal to the rest of the world but felt very intense to verbalize. We've also had a fascination for the fetish since childhood and remember re-watching or re-reading certain scenes in movies and books over and over again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxt3MxGbTKI

I agree that no psychological theory may ever fully explain the broad experience of human sexuality, but I still find it interesting to think about commonalities. Thank you for sharing!

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