I moved from Chicago to a swing state earlier this year and am wrestling with having a vote that might actually count for something (in-so-far as a vote counts for anything in this failed state.)

I feel literally sick at the idea of voting for Kamala and swore I would never do it. Still, a week ago I had conversation with my grandma, who is in her 90s and was a member of the communist party in the 50s and 60s (my great grandfather since the 30s and 40s!) and I started to feel torn. Our family faced a lot of political repression including surveillance and imprisonment during the McCarthy era and under HUAC. She is really afraid of the political repression that Trump is threatening. Of course I’m scared of a trump presidency for all the other reasons- immediate devastating impacts on immigrants, trans people, labor- but the fact that dude is threatening to essentially jail all pro-palestinian organizers day one… I’m really scared about the immediate effects he will have of the left’s ability to mobilize.

Idk. I’m so angry at being forced to participate. My choice is immediate assured material suffering for vast swathes of the population and terrible political repression and slightly less immediate assured material suffering in exchange for symbolically endorsing someone who I hold responsible for genocide. And I actually feel like I have to in a way I did not in Illinois. My boyfriend and I are doing a vote swap through swapyourvote.org fwiw I’ve opted out of voting before and regretted it. I’ve voted and regretted it. Idk, it’s all a fucking scam.

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Seems you missed the point. You are not forced to play th game. You have fallen victim to it.

Don't vote. So what. You really think tour vote will change anything and you'll agonize about it like you actually had anything to do with it.

Everyone should completely ignore politics.

Just let it be.

It all your faults!

If the US FOUSED %1O OF WHAT THEY DO ON ELECTIONS... THEY wouldn't have lost their dominance and instead become a laughingstock of the planet.


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I think I do get the point. The vote is almost entirely symbolic, focusing on electoral politics detracts from meaningful organizing, and the system is rigged. It’s not really a choice at all. My mind was made up not to vote for these exact reasons. And I’m choosing to listen to my grandma’s concerns on this one now that I live in a swing state. I don’t relish this option, I feel disgusted by it, but I will do it in addition to organizing in the hopes that a few more years without overtly fascist political repression will be of use to the left. It’s a nasty business.

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I wish you the best in that endeavor.

I do have to say you seem to be implying you are going to make a difference, and without you it could all fall apart, otherwise, you will celebrate the tiny victory that the lesser of two evils has been set back for now… and your great hand in it…

Thanks for single handedly saving Democracy!

…and yet… you “get it?”

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You seem pretty invested in making sure I understand I’m not doing anything to save the world so let me just assure you- I don’t. this is not a decision I am congratulating myself for or feel remotely good about. Do I think my vote might actually be worth something in a very close race in a swing state? Yeah a tiny bit. Am I convinced this means anything? No. Do all of the problems previously outlined still stand? Absolutely. We live in hell and yes I do feel extremely powerless. Hope you take some satisfaction in the knowledge that this brings me pain. 🙃

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I do not wish any discomfort on you or anyone OUTSIDE politics.

I wish you not to concern yourself with politics at all.

Completely ignore it and focus on anything else.

STOP giving it ANY power over you.

That's my point in a nutshell.

There are just as many on the opposite side as you in different colored shirts and hats. Do you really think you are all doing anything in this tug of war game show other than spending millions and millions of wasted human capital this F-show that in the end accomplishes just more bickering?

The system is broken but its the ROMAN COLISEUM all over again... Keep them entertained while we do what we really want.

Hundreds of years of technology amassing and we are still day to day absolutely clueless apes.

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What drives me up a wall, is that the same liberals that chastise you for not voting or voting 3rd party, will just accept all the same problems when a Dem is in the Whitehouse and gaslight you when you bring it up.

Also, representatives ignore messages from their constituents unless you have a voting block behind you. I messaged my representatives about my experience with neurodivergent workplace discrimination and was mostly ignored. Including progessive darling Delia Ramirez and a generic form letter from disability heroine Tammy Duckworth.

Credit to IL State Rep LaPointe, who was the only to write me back and had some very thoughtful things to say.

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This is the best article I have read about not voting, bravo.

Voting is like using the suggestion box on a slave ship.

Government is created by a myth, politicians maintain the myth, along with their cronies. Once the spell of the myth is broken they are finished.

The cracks are widening as more people realise this .

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I needed to read this so bad - people really make you feel like you're crazy for suggesting you don't want to go vote at all! Thank you for the laughs and solidarity

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If you vote and think you have a responsibility and accountability you have been fooled. Good one ya for seeing that.

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Love this piece. The only thing I’m actually excited to vote on is a bunch of local stuff that will determine things like if we get to keep crosswalks and barriers to cars in my neighborhood or whether the non-police emergency response program gets funded or cut off. Federal level bs is going to be the empire no matter. Maybe we get to keep Lina Khan going after monopolies a bit. Otherwise, doesn’t seem like there’s much point.

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Here, here, Devon. So well said, as usual. We've got to focus on building that community support you mentioned, as that may be our only hope in the long run.

See you on the other side Nov. 6th!

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thank GOD someone is talking about the drag race voting posters outside Hydrate

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Devon, I respect you and agree with much of what you've shared. The system is deeply flawed, and there are forces actively working to suppress and disillusion voters. We need to confront this reality, but promoting a sense of powerlessness plays directly into the hands of Trump and those who benefit from it.

I grew up in (West) Germany and am old enough to remember a divided country, with one part under Soviet dictatorship. I saw firsthand what people endured in East Germany, and I have many personal stories of that time. During WWII, one of my grandfathers fully embraced his role as an SS officer, while the other—a Bulgarian diplomat—narrowly escaped the Gestapo. So, from an early age, I’ve felt the weight of my German history and a profound responsibility to ensure such horrors never happen again. I also learned that silence and inaction allow terrible things to take root.

I know many of us feel deeply conflicted right now. We’re witnessing horrifying events in Gaza and are grappling with our country’s complicity in these atrocities, while also facing an authoritarian threat at home. Like many of you, I feel a responsibility toward the Palestinian people and an urgency to end this senseless violence. Change seems too slow.

So, if you’re considering a third-party vote for Jill Stein or a non vote, part of me understands. But I also have to ask: How will this help the people in Gaza or here at home? If it clears your conscience, is that enough?

In Illinois, your protest vote or non-vote may not seem to matter (though I have plenty of arguments for why your votes do matter). But here in Wisconsin and other swing states, sitting out the election or voting for Stein does nothing but help Trump. Trump’s followers are largely united by a fear of the progress we actually have made over the past decades and recent years, so to suggest our voices don’t matter is simply not true.

This system is what we’ve got - right now. It’s one thing to stick to one’s ideals in a close race, but if the cost is risking our - albeit flawed - democracy to a vengeful, impulsive authoritarian who sees half the country as the enemy within, whose party is stripping women and minorities of their human rights; who dehumanizes people for their looks, identities, and beliefs; who promises mass deportations that will put millions of lives at risk and tear families apart; who will revoke the Affordable Care Act, cut Social Security, impose tariffs that could drive inflation higher than ever, withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, abandon NATO, AND have access to nuclear codes... I’m saying this with as much compassion and love as I can: there better be a good plan in place to deal with the consequences that may follow from your non-vote. Because with Trump, we will lose ANY leverage we still have.

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Lisa, I am deeply fearful of the all the outcomes you have just outlined. The issue that I am trying to highlight here is that my vote has zero statistical influence on the outcome of this election and whether any of that happens. If I told you that I had voted, would that change anything for you? Would it suddenly not be my responsibility to come up with a plan for what happens if Trump wins? We will all have to prepare for the potential of a Trump win-- because a vote does not offer us moral absolution or remove us from this reality. We are all in this together, and we're all going to have to do a hell of a lot more than vote. There are many forms of political action that exist in the world, beyond the ones offered to us by the prevailing ruling order.

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Devon, thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I agree that change requires more than just voting, but I see voting as the low-hanging fruit - it’s literally the easiest thing we can do right now to keep Trump out of office, especially for those of us in swing states.

Preventing him from setting foot into the Oval Office will allow us to continue grassroots efforts without the added obstacles of which there will be so many if he wins. Statistically, one vote may not change everything, but collectively, it signals to our leaders—and the world—that the majority of Americans do not support Trump’s vision. This election isn’t just an American issue; it shapes how other countries see us and act. Europe, in particular, has always looked to the U.S., and right-wing extremism has already begun to trickle over in ways we haven’t experienced since WWII. We cannot allow this to escalate any further.

Voting may seem small, but it’s one vital part of resistance within this undoubtedly flawed system.

Thanks for all you do - I really appreciate you! ❤️

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Voting is not resistance, sorry, it just isn’t. And Devon’s piece perfectly articulated exactly why it isn’t. I don’t understand how you could read all that and still think that your vote means anything.

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I don’t think the world will think better of us for keeping 1/2 of the 2 US leaders that are committing genocide in power. Voting isn’t “resistance” in this scenario, it’s at best giving in to extortion and at worst outright collusion with ethnic cleansers. You don’t vote FOR the “moderate” nazi and call it responsible, you must instead recognize that the only responsible way is to treat them like every other nazi.

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Holy shit. Thank you so much for putting into words all the frustrations I’ve been struggling to express. l

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Vote, or don't vote. The president isn't the only position open of the ballot however. I will tell you tho, where I live in kansas, over 10 positions for judges ran unopposed for Republicans. At least I got to vote for my gerrymandered senate seat and state representatives!

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The democrats gsve up on kansas a long time ago

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Such a thought provoking post!! Thank you.

Since I write this from Australia, I have written some context in the first two paragraphs. Here we have compulsory, preferential voting, with capped campaigning timeframes & limits in fund raising. All of which I am thankful for - I did not realise the frequency of your elections & the obvious fact they are held on weekdays didn’t occur to me… Ours are always on Saturday with loads of early voting booths for a week or more before election day. The differences in accessibility are astounding!

Whilst different, our political system is not much better than the USA in terms of who pulls the strings… Obv many human rights are far more protected here (like health care, personal choices around gender etc). Although many rights have been eroded and our GOP equivalents continue working towards further removal, especially from already disadvantaged people. They always go for the “low hanging fruit” first…use vulnerable people who cannot easily fight back, to marshal power.

My point being, our political system needs changing - in some ways similar to the USA, but also differences. The way I perceive voting is that it is often immaterial in many places, AND it is also an easy way to potentially engage people’s interest in political and social issues.

I taught my kid to vote thoughtfully (just did his first offical vote a week ago!) & I will say the same to anyone who will listen because I believe that “donkey votes” (essentially not voting by deliberately doing it wrong) are pointless. Doing that requires relatively little effort - just a review of party platforms, preferences (since they matter a great deal in preferential voting) & and little thinking about what matters to you. Over time, talking like this to my kid, I have seen his perspective grow so that he considers wider issues - community, social, environmental etc - as well as more immediate concerns for his own personal wellbeing.

Does anyone else feel the same? As I said, writing form Australia and I have no idea of how much this perspective might feel like “rose coloured glasses” in the current political etc climate of the USA…

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I agree with you 💯!

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Spot on, per usual.

I’ll go one step further to say that laws don’t matter anyway. Hot take, I know! 🌶️ Criminal laws don’t matter as much as the “discretion” of the courts and law enforcement. Civil laws only matter to the party with the deepest pockets. And administrative laws (the ones we mere mortals can actually access) don’t matter now that SCOTUS overturned Chevron deference.

Voting is important, but there are far better ways to make a difference. 🇺🇸

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I agree! It's plain that laws are not equally applied or enforced. If your boss discriminates against you, it's illegal but you can't call the cops on him. Yet he can if he catches you stealing change from the till. The executive branch (including the police) exists to protect money and property, nothing else!

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Thank you for this article. I appreciate you and your work.

I listened to “A Marxist Perspective on Elections with August Nimtz” from Upstream. It was very insightful. Professor Nimtz talked about how voting for a third party is registering a preference. It could help us come out of hiding and build numbers.

I just wanted to add this idea to the conversation - I’m curious about thoughts of others

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Devon, I hope your light and literature survive the fall I keep having nightmares (dreams?) about. You're genuinely one of the most insightful people I've come across and you say what you're thinking with direct tact, consequences be damned. Thanks for showing your light to the rest of us <3

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This is a very thoughtful piece, and I appreciate it! I also think, however, that it’s worth remembering that “don’t forget to vote!” doesn’t just mean “vote for president!” There are many local officials, local ballot measures, etc that *are* decided by popular vote, and that can have a pretty significant impact on our local communities and even, ultimately, on the federal. So, yes, it can feel rather simplistic and even condescending to hear someone say “just vote!” *And* I don’t think it has to be.

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“Brat-colored turd”? Unacceptable. Also, if Harris-Walz win, that will positively impact many people compared to the alternative. I think in your heart of hearts you know this.

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